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I’ve had Alopecia Areata for almost 15 years and it had been getting steadily worse over time. Prior to my sessions with Paul I had tried a number of treatments to absolutely no avail.
During the sessions with Paul we dealt with a number of issues from the past which were clearly still causing me stress. I feel entirely liberated from these issues and feel that I have moved on and left the stress behind. Consequently for the first time in 15 years I am experiencing significant hair regrowth in the space of only 6 weeks.
This is a fabulous treatment! Paul has given me back my hair and simultaneously dealt the chronic low-level stress with which I have been living for so many years. Win win!! I genuinely feel like a calmer, happier and more confident person and am totally ecstatic at the return of my hair. I can’t wait to ditch the wig!
I extend my most heartfelt gratitude to Paul for what he has done to help me, and I feel I’ve learned so much about the way the subconscious works into the bargain!

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